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Onsite A comprehensive guide to On-Page SEO

Are you wondering how you can optimize your websites in the best possible way? There are various things to keep in mind when it comes to ranking web pages. Two important things to consider are:

  • Do you have any keywords you want to rank on the SERPs?
  • Do you have well-crafted content for your website?

When it comes to optimization, you need to make sure that Google can understand the type of content you will be placing on your site. After analyzing the content, Google will place it on the search engine results pages.

It’s easy to rank your content highly. You just need to follow some of the proven routines to get the job done. In the following guide, we will tell you all about on-page SEO and how it will be a powerful tool for your website content.

What is on-page SEO?

Let’s start the discussion with a general understanding of on-page SEO. This will refer to the practice of optimizing the web pages. This will help you rank the content of the pages in the search engines. The ultimate goal of ranking your content highly is to double the organic traffic that comes to your website.

But what does optimization mean?

In most cases, on-page SEO will focus on the correct placement of on-page keywords along with keywords in the meta description, keywords in the title, keywords in the H1 and much more. Unfortunately, this is not good advice at the moment!
You must know that Google is much smarter compared to the previous years. To get the desired results with SEO Services, you should follow the eight tips we have made:

1-Optimize for search intent

Search intent is important when searching for something on Google. We can see that even as you type, Google will try its best to show you the relevant results. With the help of crawlers, Google can pick out the right content to show us.

You can consider this example to get a better understanding:

You should think of Google as a coach selecting players for a team. If your content isn’t good enough to be a player, you won’t be able to rank it high because the content isn’t good enough to be in the game.

Google aims to give the correct and relevant results the top position. For example, if you are going to search for some kind of product, the search will show you the relevant pages. Furthermore, if you are going to do any kind of research on the product, you will see the results that will give you the information for your current search according to the search intent.

One of the best things you can do is look at the top pages to get a better idea of ​​search intent. After that you can start your work. This will be the best way to win the game and get satisfactory results. If you encounter problems, you can contact an SEO agency.

2-Make web pages faster

Websites must load quickly. Have you ever been in a situation where you click on a page and the page loads after a few minutes? This may have upset you and you may consider jumping to another website. This is normal and most people will do it. But if companies ignore this problem, they are giving away their customers to their competitors. The reason here is that it will be very easy for a person to go back and find another page to collect the desired information or to find the same product.

According to Google, 53%of users will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Also, Google does not promote slow loading sites. You must be fully aware of the fact that people get annoyed by slow loading websites or web pages. You must be aware that page speed was one of the ranking factors in 2010.

You must know that Google has rolled out the mobile-first index and they have even confirmed that one of the important factors which is mobile speed on mobile is here to stay.

In addition to this, you should know that a slow loading website is bad for the overall user experience. It is important to note that people will be quick to hit the back button on pages that will take more time to load. This means that you will not see that customer again on your website.

o improve your page speed, you should start checking the websites in Googles PageSpeed ​​Insights Tool. This tool will help you analyze the page and this will provide some of the important suggestions for optimization.

If you want to improve your page speed, you should follow the tips below:

  • You should minimize useless HTML. Note that each character in the HTML must be loaded. If you are using WordPress, you should use the text editor compared to the visual editor. This will minimize the amount of useless HTML present on the pages.
  • Second, you should also reduce the image size. You should use a plugin like Shortpixel in WordPress to compress and optimize the images.
  • If you are worried about how to achieve all the goals, you should contact a competent SEO company to get satisfactory results.

3- Correct placement of target keywords in meta description, H1 codes and title

Strategic placement of the keyword is never a bad idea. It makes sense to add the keywords. Most blog sites still use this technique and there are two important reasons behind this:

  • There is a correlation between ranking and placement of the exact match keywords.
  • This will help the searchers to find out which page is most relevant according to the users search.

Remember, you don’t have to add the exact keywords to your content. You can also use stop words, synonyms and much more. Remember that Google is very smart at figuring things out. The only point you need to keep in mind is that your content should be on point.

4-Go for precise descriptive URLs

A precise descriptive URL is a good way to get a message out about the web page. SEO experts make sure that the URL gives the right idea about the content present on the web page. This is a good practice for the following reasons:

  • As discussed earlier, a searcher will mostly click on the search result that best matches the query. It is important to note that the descriptive URLs will help you get the web pages in the results.
  • Second, the use of descriptive URLs is to add the keyword you are going to target.

It is best to keep the URLs as precise as possible to offer the correct correlation between the number of characters in the ranking and the URLs.

5- Use descriptive Alt tags for images and optimize their names

Do you know the purpose of Alt TagNo, don’t worry, we’ll help you! Alt tags will be used to describe the images. This text is displayed on the screen when the image does not load or if the visitor uses the screen reader. Below is an example of an HTML syntax for alt tags :

<img src = ”/ cute-cat.png” alt = ”Et bilde av en super søt katt.” />

You should describe your images correctly in your image file name along with the alt text. If your target keyword is also present in the description, this will be good. But if not, there is no need to forcefully add your keywords.

6-use form markup to increase CTR

For your information, the form tag helps search engines better understand your website. There is no rocket science behind this! You should be aware that some of the markings have increased clickability on the web pages in the search engine results pages. It is important to note that people are more attracted to the visuals, anything that makes the page stand out will have a positive effect.

This is not the only thing you can do with the form. You can use the form to highlight the specific mention of the places, things, objects and much more. This means you don’t just need to use the form markup to mark your ecommerce product page as selling books. More importantly, you can also use the form markup to add information such as price, ISBN and book title.

You may have a question in your mind about us using a form tag for each individual web page? The answer is no”. Most of the pages do not get the benefit of the markup of the form. You just need to add web pages that will benefit you in the best possible way.

Not sure which websites? For this, you need to look at the pages that are ranked on a tip for the primary keywords you plan to target. If most of the keywords have schema markup, you should add them to your page without delay. If you find it difficult for yourself, then hire SEO professionals for the job.

7-Boost topical relevance

YES, you heard that right! The topic of relevance is very important so that Google can easily understand things. The main purpose here is for Google to correctly identify the content relevance via words or phrases to get the idea of ​​the content.

Google will get the idea of ​​the type of content present on the page through the relevance. The guess will be more accurate when the relevant things are also mentioned in the content.

It is not a problem if you have no idea about the co-occurrence of the words that can increase the relevant relevance. This is the point where you need to research something to see top-ranked results.

What if you are unable to read the content written on the web pages? Well, this is normal and most people are not able to understand the complex content. Most people can easily read at grade 7 or 8.

Wondering how this will relate to on-page SEO You should be aware that Google will look at the user signals such as dwell time, time on page and much more to improve the ranking. If the content on your website is not easy to read, a visitor will not stay long on your website. They will quickly leave your site to find the content that is easy to understand.

Below are some of the tips to keep in mind to keep your copy simple and easy to read:

  • Don’t use difficult words. Write “near” instead of “nearness”.
  • You should use short sentences and paragraphs
  • It’s good to keep things casual.
  • If you want any kind of help, you should use a tool like Hemingway.

9- Say no to synonyms and LSI keywords

You may have heard in most of the on-page SEO guide that you should add synonyms and LSI keywords.

SynonymIt is a word or phrase that will be almost the same as another word or phrase in the same language. For example, shut is a synonym for the end.

LSI keywords: These are the words that are closely related to another word. For example, if we are going to talk about the car, you should use LSI keywords like petrol, fuel, diesel and much more. LSI-nøkkelord som bensin, drivstoff, diesel og mye mer.

The thing to remember is that if the content is written by a good writer, he can naturally add these words without any extra effort.

The reasons behind the fact that it is not necessary to add these to your content are:

  • You don’t need to because they are added and already optimized in a good piece of content.
  • There is no point in wasting time on such things. Some people can experiment, but most people want to rank their content easily.

Final thoughts

Now that you know that on-page SEO is more than just adding your keywords to meta tags. It is also about search intent and providing the applicant with relevant information. If you can’t do that, no optimization tips will help you rank higher on the SERPs. All things work in combination to get satisfactory results.

Do you think all this is difficult? No worries at all! Brawon as an expert digital marketing agency will help you create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy according to your business needs. The experts will analyze the company’s services or products and create the content that will be useful to the audience. Contact us today to get immersive content for your website along with the right marketing strategy.

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